G43/G44/G49 Tool Length Compensation
- G43 H_
- G44 H_
- G49
Tool length compensation is used to compensate the deviation of tool length, which subtracts or adds the saved tool offset value from or to the command coordinate value of Z-axis.
- G43: compensation along positive direction (end point value of compensation axis adds offset value)
- G44: compensation along negative direction (end point value of compensation axis subtracts offset value)
- H_: parameter of G43/G44, i.e. tool length compensation offset No. (H00~H07), denotes length compensation value in the tool compensation list.
- G49: cancel tool length compensation
G43 and G44 are modal commands. When they are programmed, they keep effective until command G49 appears to cancel them.
Programming Example
Sketch of tool length compensation is as follows:
G90 G00 X5 Z0 F300
G43 G0 Z10 H1 'length compensation to the tool
G01 Z-10 F1000