G906 Synchronization Command
- G906
This command is used for synchronization.
It should be executed for synchronization before using the internal system parameters or commands concerning modifying system parameters and status, such as G92, M902.
The command can be used in one of the following situation:
- G906: this format is used when the command is only used for synchronization and there are no parameters after G906.
- G906 PLC [PLCADDRESS] LEVEL_ P_: this format is used when the extended function overtime check is needed.
- PLC [PLCADDRESS]: PLC address of port; PLC [PLCADDRESS] or PLC=Integer Expression indicating PLC internal address
- LEVEL_: port value (0/1)
- P_: waiting time, in milliseconds
Programming Example
G906 PLC [04] LEVEL1 P1000 'wait until PLC port 04 is in state 1 and exit after timeout (1000 milliseconds)