Execute View Operations
This operation is used to do the following without changing the actual size and coordinate of the object:
Pan the View
This operation is used to reposition the drawing window by selecting a base point and a second point for new position.
To pan the view, do one of the following:
Press the mouse wheel and drag the mouse at the same time to move the view to the target position.
To use panning function, do the following:
To use panning tool, do one of the following:
- In drawing tool bar, click .
- In menu bar, click View → Pan.
Press the left mouse button to move the view to the target position.
If you need to stop panning the view, right click or press Esc.
Zoom in the Selected Area
This operation is used to zoom in part of the object to drawing window size.
To zoom in the selected area, do the following:
Do one of the following:
- In drawing tool bar, click .
- In menu bar, click View → Zoom by Rect.
Left click on the drawing window, drag the mouse to form a rectangle, and left click again. The area formed by the rectangle zooms in.
Fit to Window
This operation is used to resize objects and make them fit to the drawing window on the premise of showing all objects.
To adjust to the best view, do one of the following:
- In drawing tool bar, click .
- In menu bar, click View → Best View.
- On keypad, press *.