Use Device Monitoring
This operation is used to monitor added devices.
It Includes the following:
- Monitor a single machine tool.
- Monitor multiple machine tools.
- Check alarms.
- Set smart alarms.
- Check alarm statistics.
Before using device monitoring, do the following:
Monitor a Single Machine Tool
This operation is used to monitor key parameters of a single machine tool.
The operator specified to this machine tool can edit tasks of this machine tool.
To monitor a single machine tool, do the following:
To enter Device Monitoring interface, click
→ Device Management → Device Monitoring.
To enter the interface for details of the machine tool, do one of the following in Device Monitoring interface:
Select the target machine tool in the dropdown box in the upper right corner.
Click the target machine tool.
Details of the machine tool includes status area, monitoring area, statistics area, message area, maintenance area, task area and operation area. See Detail Interface for the Machine Tool for details.
Do one of the following:
Check the corresponding information in different areas.
To select parameters in monitoring area, click Set parameter in this area and set target parameters.
Detail Interface for the Machine Tool
Status area: It is used to show the running status.
The color of the circle indicates the running status:
Status Color Running Green Idle Yellow E-stop Red Unavailable Dark gray Monitoring area: It is used to show data variables of the machine tool.
Statistics area: It is used to show the time distribution of running status on the day. The color definition of the pie chart is the same with that in the status area.
Timeline: It is used to show the distribution of running status on the time line. The color definition of the time line is the same with that in the status area.
Message area: It is used to show operational logs and smart alarms that occur in xFactory. Operational logs are identical with those in the CNC system and background colors of operational logs indicate different message types.
About setting intelligent alarms, see Set Smart Alarms for details.
Task area: It is used to show the following types of machining tasks:
Historical machining tasks: The start time, end time, name of the program file, number of finished tasks and planned ones.
Current machining tasks / planned machining tasks: The name of the program file, estimated machining time, start time, estimated end time, task status, number of finished tasks and planned ones, current machining process, related operations.
Note: For files that are not machined, their estimated machining time will not show.
Maintenance area: It is used to show information about wearing parts, including their used time, remaining time and percent of the remaining time.
See Manage Wearing Parts for details about managing wearing part.
Operation area: It is used to show current available operations. Operator permission is required.
Monitor Multiple Machine Tools
This operation is used to monitor key parameters of multiple machine tools with common features within a group.
To monitor multiple machine tools, do the following:
To enter Device Monitoring interface, click
→ Device Management → Device Monitoring.
Select the following in the dropdown box in the upper right corner:
A certain group: Monitor all machine tools within the group.
All: Monitor all machine tools.
All(groups): Monitor all machine tools according to related groups.
Monitor related data of multiple machine tools within a group, including the task status and distribution of working hours.
Check Alarms
This operation is used to check all device alarms that occur in CNC system, smart alarms that occur in xFactory and running status of all added machine tools.
To check alarms, do the following:
To enter Alarm Log interface, click
→ Device Management → Alarm Log:
The color of the circle in the upper right corner of every column indicates running conditions of this machine tool.
To check device alarms or intelligent alarms, click Device or Smart in the corresponding module.
In other interfaces, dialog boxes that report alarms pop up.
Set Smart Alarms
To set smart alarms, do the following:
To enter Device Monitoring interface, click
→ Device Management → Device Monitoring.
To enter the interface for details of the machine tool, do one of the following in Device Monitoring interface:
Select the target the machine tool in the dropdown box in the upper right corner.
Click the target the machine tool.
Details of the machine tool includes status area, monitoring area, statistics area, message area, maintenance area, task area and operation area. See Detail Interface for the Machine Tool for details.
To enter the following interface, click Smart alarm in the upper right corner of the message area:
Click Limit alarm, Condition alarm and Time of wearing part, and set the following:
- Limit alarm: The upper limit and lower limit of feedrate, spindle override, spindle speed and feed override to report alarms, and alarm interval.
- Condition alarm: The alarm conditions and alarm interval.
- Time of wearing part: The time for alarms in advance, service life, alarm interval.
When an alarm is triggered, a dialog box pops up. Historical smart alarms show in the Smart alarm interface of message area.
Check Alarm Statistics
This operation is used to check at most 10 errors and warnings in the period of the target work shift.
Before checking alarm statistics, set the corresponding work shift.
To check alarm statistics, do the following:
To enter Alarm Statistics interface, click
→ Device Management → Alarm Statistics.
See Interface of Alarm Statistics for details.
Note: The statistics only includes device alarms after setting the work shift.
To generate the view of alarm statistics, select the target single machine tool or group , date unit and date range, and click View.
Check alarm statistics.
Interface of Alarm Statistics
It is used to select the available single machine tool / groups, time unit and date range.
It is used to show total errors and warnings, and their proportions in the set work shift within the date range.
It is used to show top ten errors with the high frequency, their times and last time to report an alarm.
It is used to show top ten warnings with the high frequency, their times and last time to report an alarm.
It is used to show the trend of errors and warnings in the set work shift within the date range.