Through this section, you can quick know the related parameters of NcStudio V10 Waterjet Cutting CNC System.
Including the following:
- Cutting parameters
- Operation parameters
- Axis parameters
- Controller parameters
- Program parameters
- Interface parameters
- Other parameters
Cutting Parameters
Including the following:
- Delay
- Output Mode of Low Pressure
- Pressure Way
- Cutting Type
- Tilt Angle of Cut Plane
- Tilt Direction of Cut Plane
- Arc Fitting Accuracy
- Max Rotating Angle of C-axis
- Punching
- Velocity
- Conner Controlling
- Drilling
Open HP Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time after turning on the high-pressure valve.
Close HP Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time after turning off the high-pressure valve.
Open Cutting Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time after turning on the water valve.
Close Cutting Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time after turning off the water valve.
Open Abrasive Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time after turning on the abrasive valve.
Close Abrasive Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time after turning off the abrasive valve.
Pause before Cut
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time before cutting.
Pressure Discharge Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time to turn off the water valve after machining.
Pause after Cut Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time after cutting.
Close LP Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time after turning off low-pressure valve.
Open LP Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time after turning on low-pressure valve.
After Stop Close Abrasive And Hv Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time to turn off the water valve after turning off the high-pressure abrasive valve when "Stop" button is clicked.
Close Booster Delay Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~600000
- Default value: 30000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: With the high-pressure valve off, the delay time to automatically turn off the water pump.
Output Mode of Low Pressure
LP Output Mode
Unit: -
Range: 0;1;2;3
Default value: 1
Effective: Immediately
Description: The output mode of low pressure.
- 1: turn on the low-pressure valve before turning on the high-pressure valve while turning off the low-pressure valve after turning off the high-pressure valve.
- 2: turn on the low-pressure valve first. And after delay time, turn off the low-pressure valve and turn on the high-pressure valve.
- 3: turn on the low-pressure valve before machining while turning off the low-pressure valve after machining.
Pressure Way
Pressure Way
Unit: -
Range: 1;2;3
Default value: 1
Effective: Immediately
Description: The way of turning on pressure valves.
- 1: turn on the high-pressure valve only.
- 2: turn on the low-pressure valve only.
- 3: turn on high-pressure valve and low-pressure valve.
Cutting Type
Select Cutting Type
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 0
Effective: Immediately
Description: It is used to select cutting type.
- 0: abrasive cutting
- 1: pure-water cutting
Tilt Angle of Cut Plane
The Lean Angle of Plane Cutted
- Unit: deg
- Range: 0~90
- Default value: 2
- Effective: After restart
- Description: The tilt angle of cut plane.
Tilt Direction of Cut Plane
The Lean Direction of Tool
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 0
Effective: After restart
Description: The leaning direction of cut plane.
- 0: seeing from the machining direction, the cut plane leans to the right.
- 1: seeing from the machining direction, the cut plane leans to the left.
Arc Fitting Accuracy
Arc Fitting Accuracy
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0.0001~1
- Default value: 0.01
- Effective: After restart
- Description: The length of each short line in interpolation.
Max Rotating Angle of C-axis
Max Rotating Angle of C Axis
- Unit: deg
- Range: 360~108000
- Default value: 0
- Effective: After restart
- Description: The maximum rotating angle of C-axis to prevent enlacing during generating toolpath.
Punch Type
Unit: -
Range: 0;1;2
Default value: 0
Effective: After restart
Description: The punching type.
- 0: none
- 1: arc punching. That is, circle is punched at the start point of the lead line.
- 2: swing punching. That is, straight-line is punched at the start point of the lead line.
Punching Strategy
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 0
Effective: After restart
Description: The punching strategy.
- 0: single punching. That is, during machining multiple objects, each object is punched and cut before machining the next one.
- 1: batch punching (only support NCE file). That is, during machining multiple objects, all objects are punched first before cutting them.
Punch Distance
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0.01~10000
- Default value: 2
- Effective: After restart
- Description: The punching diameter for arc punching, and punching interval for swing punching.
Punch Counts
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~1000
- Default value: 3
- Effective: After restart
- Description: The machining times of circle for arc punching, and the swinging times of straight-line for swing punching.
Punch Speed
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: After restart
- Description: The speed to punch.
Arc Punching Position
Unit: -
Range: 0;1;2
Default value: 0
Effective: After restart
Description: The circle position relative to the start point of the lead line for arc punching.
- 0: left. That is, the circle is on the left of the start point of the lead line.
- 1: middle. That is, the circle is at the middle of the start point of the lead line.
- 2: right. That is, the circle is on the right of the start point of the lead line.
Punch Position
Unit: -
Range: 1;2
Default value: 1
Effective: After restart
Description: The punching position of waterjet cutter.
- 1: at the start point of lead line.
- 2: at start points of all objects.
AX Startup Vol
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0~100000
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The minimum feedrate during machining.
Default Feedrate
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0~100000
- Default value: 800
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The default speed during machining (It does not refer to the positioning speed).
AX Linear Mach ACC
- Unit: mm/s^2
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 300
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The maximum acceleration of each linear axis during machining.
REV Default Feedrate
- Unit: rpm
- Range: 0~100000
- Default value: 15
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The default speed of each revolving axis during machining (It does not refer to the positioning speed).
Conner Controlling
Whether Use ACC
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: Whether to use corner deceleration.
Conner Speed Percentage
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~100
- Default value: 100
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The percentage of the corner speed and normal machining speed at the other places.
Corner ACC Distance
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~100
- Default value: 2
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The accelerating distance at the corner.
Corner DECEL Distance
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~100
- Default value: 2
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The decelerating distance at the corner.
End Section DECEL Distance
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~100
- Default value: 2
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The decelerating distance at the last segment of object.
Conner Slow Angle
- Unit: deg
- Range: 0~180
- Default value: 60
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The corner deceleration is enabled when the corner angle is larger than this parameter.
Start Height
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0,9999
- Default value: 5
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The Z-axis coordinate of the drill at the beginning.
ON Delay
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0,1e+007
- Default value: 3000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The delay time to start drilling after the drill moves to the start point.
Max Drilling Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0,1e+007
- Default value: 3000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The longest time of the cylinder to move down. During drilling, the cylinder pushes out down until trigger the signal of drilling in position, which means drilling ends and the cylinder pulls in.
Pulled in Time
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0,1e+007
- Default value: 3000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The duration from detecting the signal of drilling in position to detecting the signal of drill pulling in in position.
Start Machine Coor
- Unit: ms
- Range: -10000,10000
- Default value: 100
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The machine coordinates of the drill at the start time of drilling.
Falling Distance
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0,10000
- Default value: 100
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The down depth of the drill before drilling.
Drilling Depth
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0,10000
- Default value: 10
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The down depth of the drill after drilling.
Drilling Speed
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.01,100000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Description: The feedrate during drilling.
Operation Parameters
Including the following:
- Wait time on E-stop
- Brake control
- Abrasive valve
- Controlling pressure
- Controlling circle velocity
- Manual mode
- Automatic machining
- Reference point
- Other operation parameters
Wait Time on E-stop
Wait Time On Estop
- Unit: sec
- Range: 0.001~10
- Default value: 1
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The wait time for a complete stop after E-stop.
Brake Control
Brake Control
Unit: -
Range: 0;1;2
Default value: 1
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The way of brake control.
- 0: by communication data.
- 1: by brake input signal.
- 2: by the driver.
Abrasive Valve
Abrasive Valve Control Mode
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 0
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The way of controlling the abrasive valve.
- 0: by analog quantity
- 1: by pulse spindle
Abrasive Valve Output Voltage
- Unit: mv
- Range: 0~10000
- Default value: 5000
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The output voltage of the abrasive valve that is controlled by the analog quantity.
Abrasive Valve Output Voltage Increment
- Unit: mv
- Range: 0~100
- Default value: 5
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The increment of output voltage in each analog control period of the abrasive valve.
Abrasive Valve Output Voltage Mode
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 1
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The mode of output voltage when the abrasive valve is controlled by the analog quantity.
- 0: gradual change
- 1: abrupt change
Abrasive Value Stepper Motor Speed
- Unit: rpm
- Range: 0.001~59999.9
- Default value: 200
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The speed of stepping motor when the abrasive valve is controlled by the pulse spindle.
Controlling Pressure
Press. Serial Port Address
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~9 (Integer)
- Default value: 1
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: 1: COM1; 2: COM2; 3: COM3; 4: COM4; 5: COM5; 6: COM6; 7: COM7; 8: COM8; 9: COM9.
Press. Serial Port Node No
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~99
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The node number for communication when the serial port controls pressure.
Controlling Circle Velocity
Ref Circle Max Velo
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 800
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The maximum velocity of circle with 10mm diameter.
Circle Min Velo
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 100
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The minimum velocity of circle motions.
Manual Mode
Jog Vol
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 1800
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The default velocity of X-axis or Y-axis in jog mode.
Rapid Jog Vol
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~Max Speed of Each Axis
- Default value: 5000
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The velocity of X-axis or Y-axis in high-speed jog mode.
Rev Jog Vol
- Unit: rpm
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 2
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The default velocity of rotary axis in jog mode.
Rev Rapid Jog Vol
- Unit: rpm
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 3
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The velocity of rotary axis in high-speed mode.
Lock Dir After Limited
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: When the soft limit is triggered, the machine tool can only move toward direction not limited, otherwise, it may damage the machine tool.
Jiggle Feedrate
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 400
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The speed of fine-tuning.
Jiggle Step Length
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0.001~2
- Default value: 0.5
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The step length of machining corresponding to each fine-tuning.
Jog Vol Z
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 800
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The default velocity of Z-axis in jog mode.
Rapid Jog Vol Z
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The default velocity of Z-axis in high-speed jog mode.
The Step Range of Z axis
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~10000
- Default value: 10000
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The safe range of step size for Z-axis.
Automatic Machining
Speed Assign Type
Unit: -
Range: 0;1;2
Default value: 0
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: The mode to specify feedrate.
- 0: use the speed specified by the program file.
- 1: use the default speed.
- 2: use the speed specified according to the proportion.
Height Z Raise
- Unit: mm
- Range: -10000~10000
- Default value: 5
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The lifting height of Z-axis during dry run.
Reference Point
- Unit: -
- Range: -
- Default value: 0
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The machine coordinate of the machine origin. And its default value is 0.
Axis Type Of Bkref
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to return to the machine origin before machining.
Driving Spindle Back Distance
- Unit: mm
- Range: -1000~1000
- Default value: 100
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The retract distance of driving spindle when double Y-axes return to the machine origin or during checking the machine origin.
The Speed of Going to Machine Origin
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0~1000
- Default value: 200
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The speed to return to the machine origin.
Tool Lift Speed
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0~1000
- Default value: 50
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The lifting speed during height measurement.
Other Operation Parameters
Safe Height
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~10000
- Default value: 10
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The safe height to avoid collisions in the workpiece coordinate, which is used after returning to the machine origin and breakpoint resume.
Near Point Rang
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~500
- Default value: 100
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Adjacent point machining can be used within the machining range of adjacent point.
Use Special Control of Z axis or not
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to adopt optimized toolpath in NCE file during G00 positioning.
Enable Edit Inclination Angle
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: :Whether editing inclination angle of each edge is allowable in NcEditor.
Show Edge Inclination Angle
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to show inclination angle of each edge in NcEditor.
Action After Programming
Unit: -
Range: 0;1;2;3
Default value: 3
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: The tool action every time machining ends.
- 0: do not move.
- 1: back to the fix point.
- 2: back to the workpiece origin.
- 3: back to the set point (workpiece coordinate).
- Unit: -
- Range: -99999~99999
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The workpiece origin of the set end point.
- Unit: -
- Range: -99999~99999
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The machine coordinate of the fixed point.
Display Simu Out Range
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to prompt if simulation is out of machine travel range.
Clear Cycle Times at Cycle Stop
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to clear the cycle times when cycle stops or software is restarted or files are reloaded.
Y-Axis Work Range
Unit: -
Range: 1;2
Default value: 1
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: It is used to specify the Y-axis work range.
- 1: positive work range
- 2: negative work range
Axis of Rotation is Valid or not
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 1
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: Whether the rotary axis is valid.
- 0: valid
- 1: invalid
Axis Parameters
Including the following:
- Axis
- Position feedback
- Compensation
- Velocity limit
- Bus drive
- Setting double Y
- Controlling dry run
- Laser head travel
Axis Dir
Unit: -
Range: 1;-1
Default value: 1
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The direction of axes.
1: positive
The actual direction is the same with the set direction of machine tool.
-1: negative
The actual direction is opposite to the set direction of machine tool.
Workbench Lower Limit
- Unit: -
- Range: -99999~Machine Origin
- Default value: -
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The machine coordinate of the lower limit of workbench travel range that is checked effective.
Workbench Upper Limit
- Unit: -
- Range: Machine Origin~99999
- Default value: -
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The machine coordinate of the upper limit of workbench travel range that is checked effective.
Check Workbench Range
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: -
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to check the workbench travel range.
Axis Type
Unit: -
Range: 1;2;3
Default value: -
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The axis type.
- 1: linear axis
- 2: rotary axis
- 3: rotary axis with the shortest path
Enable Driver Registration
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to enable drive registration function.
Position Feedback
Leadscrew Pitch
Unit: -
Range: 0.001~99999
Default value: -
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The actual moving distance or degree of corresponding axis per revolution of motor.
It is related with the specified machine tool. So it is recommended to set this parameter according the actual measuring result.
Power Err
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~99999
- Default value: 1
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: If the position difference between power and reboot is greater than this value, the alarm occur. And it is only for the absolute encoder.
Mechanical Reduction Ratio (Numerator)
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~99999
- Default value: -
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The numerator of mechanical reduction ratio.
Mechanical Reduction Ratio (Denominator)
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~99999
- Default value: 1
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The denominator of mechanical reduction ratio.
Enable Leadscrew CMPN
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to enable compensations for the leadscrew errors, including compensations for backlash errors and pitch errors.
Only Backlash CMPN
Unit: -
Range: Yes;No
Default value: Yes
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
- Yes: the data is read from the parameter Backlash to execute compensation.
- No: the data of backlash errors and pitch errors is read from error file to execute comprehensive compensation.
Unit: -
Range: 0~1
Default value: 0
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The backlash of each axis.
This parameter takes effect only when the parameter Only Backlash CMPN is set to Yes.
Maximum Angle Allowed for Correction
- Unit: deg
- Range: 0~1
- Default value: 0.8
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum allowable angle of axis offset in perpendicularity correction.
Velocity Limit
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: -
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum allowable velocity of each axis.
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: -
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum allowable velocity of control point on each axis during machining.
Bus Drive
Driver Station Address
- Unit: -
- Range: 0;1;2;3;4;5
- Default value: -
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: It should be the same with rotary switch setting of drive station address. 0 represents the invalid address.
Driver Station Address Setting Switch
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether it should be the same with dial switch setting of drive station address.
Encode Digit
- Unit: -
- Range: 10~30
- Default value: 23
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The digit number of encoder of the servo motor.
Electronic Gear Ratio (Numerator)
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~1.07374e+009
- Default value: 23
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: It should be the same with electronic gear ratio (numerator) of the drive.
Electronic Gear Ratio (Denominator)
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~1.07374e+009
- Default value: 23
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: It should be the same with electronic gear ratio (denominator) of the drive.
Servo Type
Unit: -
Range: 0;1;2
Default value: 2
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The type of servo drive.
- 0: Yaskawa Σ5 servo drive
- 1: Yaskawa Σ7 servo drive
- 2: WISE servo drive
Brake Output
Unit: -
Default value: NA
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: It specifies the PLC address for output port of each brake.
This parameter takes effect only when the parameter Brake Control is set to 0.
Setting Double Y
Is Double Y System or not
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to use the double Y-axes configuration.
Check Y1Y2 Encoder Error
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to check the encoder error between feedback value of Y1-axis and Y2-axis.
Double Y Static Tolerance
- Unit: -
- Range: 0.001~999999
- Default value: 5
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: When Y1-axis and Y2-axis are static, if the difference between the feedback and output value is bigger than this value, corresponding alarm will occur. This parameter is effective for Double Y configuration.
Double Y Dynamic Tolerance
- Unit: -
- Range: 0.00~999999
- Default value: 5
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: When Y1-axis and Y2-axis are dynamic, if the difference between the feedback and output value is bigger than this value, corresponding alarm will occur. This parameter is effective for Double Y configuration.
Controlling Dry Run
Rapid Travel Feedrate
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 5000
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The default speed of linear axis during positioning. It is not the machining speed.
Rev Rapid Travel Feedrate
- Unit: rpm
- Range: 0~Max Speed of Each Axis
- Default value: 26
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The default speed of rotary axis during positioning. It is not the machining speed.
Ax Linear Post Acc
- Unit: mm/s^2
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 400
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum acceleration of each linear axis during positioning.
Laser Head Travel
Laser Upper Limit
- Unit: mm
- Range: -99999~99999
- Default value: 0
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The machine coordinate of the upper limit of laser head travel during height measurement.
Laser Lower Limit
- Unit: mm
- Range: -99999~99999
- Default value: -150
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The machine coordinate of the lower limit of laser head travel during height measurement.
Controller Parameters
Including the following:
General Controller
Pausing Time
- Unit: -
- Range: 0.01~10
- Default value: 0.5
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The duration time from running to pause or stop state. And if the value is too small, rock to the machine will occur.
Show REF Point Sign If Soft Limit Triggered
Unit: -
Range: Yes;No
Default value: Yes
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: Whether to show the sign of reference point if the soft limit is triggered.
- Yes: the soft limit takes effect after returning to the machine origin.
- No: the soft limit immediately takes effect.
Handwheel and Keyboard
HW Count Strictly
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: If count pulses strictly, the machine tool will move the exact pulses generated by handwheel; Otherwise, the machine tool moves only when the handwheel starts turning.
HW Direction
- Unit: -
- Range: 1;-1
- Default value: -1
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The relation between the handwheel direction and the moving direction of axis.
HW Multiple_1
- Unit: -
- Range: 0.0001~10
- Default value: 0.001
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The handwheel multiple*1.
HW Multiple_10
- Unit: -
- Range: 0.0001~10
- Default value: 0.01
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The handwheel multiple*10.
HW Multiple_100
- Unit: -
- Range: 0.0001~10
- Default value: 0.1
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The handwheel multiple*100.
HW Gear Factor
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~1000
- Default value: 1
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The ratio of the rotational speed of handwheel to the feeding speed of axis. The greater the value is, the bigger the feeding speed is.
Forbid Handwheel Gear Track Back Function
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to forbid the track back function during handwheel guide.
Hw Acc
- Unit: mm/s^2
- Range: 1~1000
- Default value: 200
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The smaller the value is, the smoother handwheel movements are.
Support NK Ex Keyset
Unit: -
Range: 0;1;2
Default value: 0
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The type of extended keyword.
- 0: null
- 1: Mini keyboard
- 2: Naiky extended keyboard
Install Extended Keyboard Hook
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to install the extended keyboard hook.
Wireless Handwheel Connection Prompt
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to prompt that the wireless handwheel is successfully connected.
Bar Code Enable
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to support barcode scanning.
Where to Load Toolpath in Scanning
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 1
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: It is used to select where to load toolpath during scanning with a barcode scanner.
- 0: NcStudio
- 1: NcEditor
Max Interval for Scanning
- Unit: ms
- Range: 50~5000
- Default value: 150
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The maximum interval to scan barcode of toolpath with a barcode scanner.
Priority Loading File Format
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 0
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: During scanning the code, if there is a toolpath file with the same name and different extensions in the folder, the priority file format to load.
- 0: DXF、NC、G format
- 1: NCE format
Shortest Response Time of Keyboard
- Unit: ms
- Range: 5~120
- Default value: 30
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The barcode scanner responds within the shortest response time of keyboard. Otherwise, the keyboard responds.
Operation Panel
Min Frp
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~Max Frp
- Default value: 0
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The minimum allowable feedrate.
Max Frp
- Unit: -
- Range: Min Frp~120
- Default value: 120
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum allowable feedrate.
Manual Feedrate is Effective or not
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: When the feedrate in manual mode is not effective, the default feedrate is 100%.
Granularity Feedrate
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~120
- Default value: 1
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The granularity of the feedrate slider bar.
Granularity Abrasive Ctrl
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~100
- Default value: 1
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The granularity of the abrasive control slider bar.
Granularity G00 Feedrate
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~100
- Default value: 25
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The granularity of the G00 feedrate slider bar.
Turn Off Ports When Tracking Back
Unit: -
Range: Yes;No
Default value: Yes
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: Whether to turn off ports during automatically tracking back.
- Yes: if ports are turned on previously, turn off.
- No: do not change the previous state.
Valve State at Pause
Pause Port Close Style
Unit: -
Range: 1;2;3
Default value: 1
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: The mode to turn off valves at pause.
- 1: keep turning on valves
- 2: immediately turn off valves
- 3: delay to turn off valves
Start Open Port Style
Unit: -
Range: 1;2;3
Default value: 3
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: The mode to turn on valves at pause.
- 1: keep turning off valves
- 2: immediately turn on valves
- 3: delay to turn on valves
Program Parameters
Including the following:
G Code Options
- Unit: mm
- Range: 1~999
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: During rapid positioning, the distance to decelerate when the spindle gets close to the target position and then moves at the approach speed.
Speed While Approaching to Workpiece
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~99999
- Default value: 120
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The feeding speed of the tool when it gets close to the workpiece during positioning.
Controlling Track
Track Corner Tol
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~0.1
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: To improve the finish of machined workpiece, the tool may not move to the exact set position at two-segment connection. When difference of current position and set position reaches value specified by this parameter, the system takes it machining is completed.
Smooth Time
- Unit: s
- Range: 0~1
- Default value: 0.03
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The longer the time, the smoother the surface of the workpiece. But some of the details may be weakened.
Optimize Cutting Method
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to optimize the cutting method.
Max Inclination Angle Difference
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~360
- Default value: 20
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: When the parameter Optimize Cutting Method is set to Yes, angles exceeding set value will be sectioned.
Vertical Cutting Type
Unit: -
Range: 0;1;2
Default value: 2
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The type of vertical cutting at the start point of object.
- 0: never
- 1: only NCE files with lead lines
- 2: all the NCE files
Controlling the Velocity
Ax Startup Vol
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0~100000
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The minimum velocity during machining.
Min Smooth Angle during Lines Connect
- Unit: deg
- Range: 0~180
- Default value: 5000
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: When the angle between two lines is smaller than the value of this parameter, the angle is smoothed.
Rev Default Feedrate
- Unit: rpm
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 15
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The default feeding speed of rotary axis during machining. It is not the positioning speed.
Angle Acceleration
- Unit: deg/s^2
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 300
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The angular acceleration of the rotary axis.
Z Linear Acc
- Unit: mm/s^2
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 400
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum linear acceleration of Z axis.
Axis Max Acc
- Unit: mm/s^2
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: -
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum acceleration of each axis.
Ax Con Acc
- Unit: mm/s^2
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 1200
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum resultant feed acceleration of adjacent two axes. The recommended value is 1~2 times of the single axis acceleration.
Ax Acc Acc
- Unit: mm/s^3
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 5000
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The change rate of acceleration for each axis.
Velo Slide Time
- Unit: s
- Range: 0~99999
- Default value: 0.05
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The longer the time, the smoother the speed. This parameter has no effect on track precision.
Limit Arc Velo
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to limit the arc-motion velocity.
Arc Forward Length
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~100
- Default value: 2
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The forward length of limiting the arc-motion velocity.
Slide Speed for Small Lines
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to eliminate speed wave during machining small lines.
Reference Length of Slide Speed for Small Lines
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0.001~200
- Default value: 5
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: It is used to adjust the speed wave for the line whose length is shorter than reference length.
Speed Slide Length
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~300
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The forward length of smoothing speed.
Arc Speed Limit Type
Unit: -
Range: 1;2
Default value: 1
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The type of arc speed limit.
- 1: reference circle speed limit
- 2: linear arc speed limit
Maximum Arc Radius
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~5000
- Default value: 100
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum radius of linear arc speed limit.
Maximum Arc Speed
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 1.66667~100000
- Default value: 1800
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum speed of linear arc speed limit.
Minimum Arc Radius
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~Maximum Arc Radius
- Default value: 10
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The minimum radius of linear arc speed limit.
Minimum Arc Speed
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0~Maximum Arc Speed
- Default value: 100
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The minimum speed of linear arc speed limit.
DXF File Translation
Tool Up Height
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~99999
- Default value: 10
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The lifting height of the tool during dry run.
Depth Layer
- Unit: mm
- Range: -99999~0
- Default value: 0
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The machining depth of each tool layer in 2D machining.
First Point as Origin
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to set the first point of DXF file as zero point.
Enable Machine Bottom
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The valve operation is performed only when cutter arrives at workpiece surface in 3D machining.
Force to Recognize Dxf File As Metric Sys
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to ignore programming Unit in DXF file.
Ignore Height in DXF
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to ignore height in DXF file.
Interface Parameters
Including the following:
Object Operation
Interval Distance
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~100000
- Default value: 10
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The interval distance between two dashes during drawing the groove direction.
Dash Length (Groove Direction)
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~100
- Default value: 15
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The length of the dash that represents groove direction.
Front Size of Angle
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~1000
- Default value: 15
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The pixel size of angle during drawing the leaning angle.
Show Valid Material Range
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to show valid material range when the parameter Enable Edit Inclination Angle is set to Yes.
Space for Valid Material Range
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~1000
- Default value: 10
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The space for drawing valid material range with equal distance.
Valid Material Range Dash Length
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~1000
- Default value: 15
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The length of the dash that represents valid material range.
Max No. of Dashed Line on Single Edge
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~100
- Default value: 10
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The maximum number of dashed lines on a single edge in valid range.
Show Edge of Large Angle in Boldface
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: When Enable Edit Inclination Angle is set to Yes, the edges will become bold if the angle becomes larger.
Dash Width (Groove Direction)
- Unit: -
- Range: 0.1~100
- Default value: 2
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The width of the dash that represents groove direction.
Position Interface
Auto Load Track
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to automatically parse the machining track after loading the program file.
Auto Load Track Limit
- Unit: KB
- Range: 0~100000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: A machining file can be automatically loaded only when the file size is less than this value.
Whether Auto Load Files
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to automatically load the previous program file when the software starts.
Whether Lock Edit After Machining
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to lock editing the position and size of objects after machining.
Whether Lock Edit After Import
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to lock editing the position and size of objects after importing the file.
NcEditor Forbid Scaling
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to forbid zooming objects in NcEditor.
Setting Interface Showing
Font Show Adjust Factor
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~100
- Default value: 1
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The factor to adjust the front size of paragraph number.
Other Parameters
Including the following:
- Cylinder
- Software configuration type
- Application
- Laser height measurement
- Scanning track
- Shooting positioning
Red Light When Finish
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to prompt by the red light before input with a mouse or keyboard after machining.
Software Configuration Type
Software Configuration
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 1
Effective: After restart
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: The type of software configuration.
- 0: normal
- 1: with height measurement
Use Metric
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to use metric.
Change Value When the Conversion of the Metric System and British Standard
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to automatically modify parameter values during the conversion of the metric system and british standard.
Enable Rotary Workbench Mode
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to enable the mode of rotary workbench.
Laser Height Measurement
- Unit: -
- Data range: X+, Y+, X-, Y-
- Default value: X+
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Indicates the axis feed direction during scanning height measurement.
Effective when Scan Type is set to Array Scanning.
Horizontal Space
- Unit: mm
- Data range:
- Default value: 50
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Indicates the horizontal distance during scanning height measurement.
Effective when Scan Type is set to Array Scanning.
Vertical Space
- Unit: mm
- Data range: -
- Default value: 200
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Indicates the vertical distance during scanning height measurement.
Effective when Scan Type is set to Array Scanning.
Cutting Edge
- Unit: mm
- Data range: -
- Default value: 200
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Indicates the length of edge being cut off from the machining path rectangular box during scanning height measurement.
Effective when Scan Type is set to Array Scanning.
- Unit: mm/min
- Data range: -
- Default value: -
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Indicates the feedrate during scanning height measurement.
The recommended value is < 15000 mm/min to ensure height measuring accuracy.
Travel Lower Limit
- Unit: mm
- Data range: Travel lower limit–0
- Default value: -
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Indicates the mechanical coordinates of the Z axis travel lower limit during height measurement.
To avoid tool collision during height measurement caused by exception of the sensor or other components, this parameter is mandatory. Set it to a proper value to ensure safety of the sensor and cutter during height measurement.
Height Tolerance
- Unit: mm
- Data range: 0.01–10
- Default value: 1
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum height difference allowed every horizontal distance unit (10 mm).
Max Height Difference
- Unit: mm
- Data range: -
- Default value: -
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum height difference allowed between the largest and smallest height during laser height measurement.
Scan Type
- Unit: -
- Data range: -
- Default value: -
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Two scanning types are available.
- Array Scanning: The system automatically generates back-and-forth straight lines for scanning based on the machining path.
- Track Scanning: The system executes scanning directly along the machining path.
Ignore Abnormal
- Unit: -
- Data range: Yes or No
- Default value: No
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Indicates whether to ignore the restriction by the parameter N93400 Max Ignorable Distance.
If a continuous data collection failure is reported due to causes such as workpiece material defects and if the material is considered flat, or the errors are ignorable, you can check Ignore Abnormal to keep height measurement going. The software automatically calculates and compensate the height during distance with erroneous data.
Max Ignorable Distance
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~200
- Default value: 50
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The maximum continuous distance of getting height errors during laser height measurement.
Laser Sensor Station Address
- Unit: -
- Range: 1~16
- Default value: 1
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The station address of laser sensor.
Coarse Position Speed
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~10000
- Default value: 800
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The speed of Z-axis downwards the upper limit of laser sensor during getting the datum.
Sensor Clearance Height
- Unit: mm
- Range: 65~105
- Default value: 85
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The clearing height of laser sensor.
Altimetry Result Processing Method
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 0
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The method to process the result of height measurement.
- 0: linear area method
- 1: linear distance method
Sample Period
- Unit: us
- Range: 200;500;1000;2000
- Default value: 2000
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: After changing the sampling period, the sensor needs to be initialized.
Average Times
- Unit: us
- Range: 1;4;16;64;256;1024
- Default value: 64
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: After changing the average times, the sensor needs to be initialized.
Delay to Push out Dustcover
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~100000
- Default value: 1000
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The delay time to push out dust cover during laser height measurement.
Buffer Length During Resume
- Unit: mm
- Range: 0~200
- Default value: 10
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The extra scanning length to eliminate measurement errors during breakpoint resume.
Scanning Track
Take Direction
Unit: -
Range: 0;1
Default value: 0
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer
Description: The start direction for automatically picking points.
- 0: the positive direction of X-axis
- 1: the positive direction of Y-axis
Take the Horizontal Spacing
- Unit: mm
- Range: 1~10000
- Default value: 50
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Take the preset value of the point Horizontal spacing.
The Buffer Length
- Unit: mm
- Range: 1~100
- Default value: 10
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The buffer length of inflection point.
Scan Speed
- Unit: mm/min
- Range: 0.001~100000
- Default value: 6000
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: The scanning speed during automatic measurement.
Take the Longitudinal Spacing
- Unit: mm
- Range: 1~10000
- Default value: 200
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Take the preset value of the point longitudinal spacing.
Cutting Edge Length
- Unit: mm
- Range: 1~1000
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: During picking points, precut the edge length.
Shooting Positioning
Enable Positioning by Shooting
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: No
- Effective: After restart
- Permission: Manufacturer
- Description: Whether to position by shooting.
Show Shooting Result in NcEditor
- Unit: -
- Range: Yes;No
- Default value: Yes
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: Whether to show shooting result in NcEditor.
Picture Display Mode
Unit: -
Range: 1;2
Default value: 1
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: The mode of picture display.
- 1: by effect
- 2: by performance
Custom Tool Path Color
Unit: -
Range: Yes;No
Default value: Yes
Effective: Immediately
Permission: Manufacturer;operator
Description: Whether to customize the color of toolpath.
- Yes: use customized tool path color.
- No: use the color set in the system.
Red in RGB
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~255
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The customized value of red in RGB.
Green in RGB
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~255
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The customized value of green in RGB.
Blue in RGB
- Unit: -
- Range: 0~255
- Default value: 255
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The customized value of blue in RGB.
Dustcover ON Delay
- Unit: ms
- Range: 0~100000
- Default value: 3000
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The delay time to turn on dust cover.
Deviation X between Cutter Head and Laser Sensor
- Unit: mm
- Range: -99999~99999
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The offset X between the center position of the water cutter head and the laser projection point in the vertical state.
Deviation Y between Cutter Head and Laser Sensor
- Unit: mm
- Range: -99999~99999
- Default value: 0
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The offset Y between the center position of the water cutter head and the laser projection point in the vertical state.
Machine Position when Shooting
- Unit: mm
- Range: -99999~99999
- Default value: -
- Effective: Immediately
- Permission: Manufacturer;operator
- Description: The machine coordinate of cutter head that does not affect the shooting result during shooting.